A german-greek HIPHOP PROJECT of hearing, deaf and hard of hearing youngsters

In the summer 2018 and 2019 twenty young greek and german people will meet. They get to know the perspective of young people from the other side of Europe, discover a piece of Greece and Germany and exchange experiences. There is room for good ideas and, above all, time to get creative.

HipHop as Medium

For years, the hip-hop scene has been one of the most popular youth cultures worldwide. The hip hop culture combines the 3 elements rap / slam, break dance and graffiti. In all areas it is about to develop something artistically, to (re-) present and not least to realize yourself. The methods BILINGUE SLAM – BREAK DANCE – GRAFFITI are used in our project as a mouthpiece for own thoughts and common ideas.

Through to the composition of the group, many of the participants experience for the first time the work and life in a heterogeneous group. The emphasis on diversity, empowerment, is as important to us as the promotion of strength, energy and imagination in the group through working together. This requires mutual acquaintance and open exchange. Especially the combination with HipHop ensures a rapprochement of young cultures and overcomes barriers.

Project goals
  • Dance/Art Education expertise and multicultural communication with heterogeneous groups
  • Socio-pedagogical skills in relation to diversity
  • Interculturality, experiential learning, democratic participation
  • Innovative methodological approaches and formats of international inclusive youth work

In the sense of an inclusive understanding, it is normal to be different. The challenge of the non-formal project is to enable everyone to participate, regardless of their individual characteristics. The objectives of the german-greek program are to overcome barriers between young people, to promote equal opportunities for each other and above all to create and share experiences and learning opportunities. In the inclusive process young people should not only experience new ways and perspectives together, but also creative exchange.


Elisson gUG – An Intercultural North-South Connection | Sinneswandel- Youth Club of deaf and hearing impaired people in Berlin gGmbH | FILOXENIA Intercultural-Environmental Organisation

The project was implemented within the EUROPEANS FOR PEACE:celebrate diversity! youth exchange for all programme with support from the Foundation “Remembrance, Responsibility and Future” (EVZ).

Trainer Team

Anja Hack, Dipl.Wjur., Project’s coordinator with focus on International inclusive Projektmanagement, is International Consultant since 2008.  Anja organized german-greek projects, international inclusive youth exchange programmes and European trainings.

Iliana Baloutsou, MA Dance teacher, has been breakdancing since her childhood, lives and teaches in Düsseldorf. She participated in numerous inclusive cultural youth encounters.

Hana Sebestova, ΜΑ Arts teacher, Youth Worker, Council of Europe’s Human Rights Educator (Κryoneri Korinthias) is currently living in Corinth Greece and has studied Fine Arts & Music in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Hana has conducted various international youth exchange programmes over the last years.